aligning souls.
Visionary Coaching specializing in the tools of Spiritual Psychology, A Course in Miracles, The Artist’s Way, and Sensual & Intuitive Arts for those who have Awakened and wish to more joyfully Align.
What is Visionary Coaching?
Visionary Coaching is a term Joanne uses to help clients understand, regardless of circumstances, there is always a healing spiritual or Visionary Perspective available to those who believe the purpose of life is learning to evolve in consciousness. When conflict or issues arise, one who is trained in Visionary Perspective, will immediately move into a place of calm and ask the question, “What is the highest Visionary Perspective available to me at this time? How am I being asked to grow?” Focusing on Visionary Perspective moves clients away from blame/cause and into a solution/creative orientation.
Initiation Program
The Initiation Program places the emphasis on your current life challenges, pinpoints thoughts and beliefs needing to be updated, and utilizing the tools of Spiritual Psychology to move you firmly on a path towards aligning to your goals and highest potential.
Program highlights....
- Dive into your current life patterns, beliefs, and desires.
- Learn to utilize your Authentic Self as your greatest resource and how to trust your intuition and physical body as your natural guidance system.
- Discover and dissolve the irrational beliefs and unresolved patterns that, once cleared, will firmly initiate you on to your Purpose & Path.
- Activate your imagination with creative action steps to “bypass” the ego’s defense/protection system.
- Learn how to tenderly care for yourself as your emotional, physical, spiritual, and mental systems shift and update.
- Weekly calls, accountability & support, achievable action agreements for those who have “tried it all!!!” and are ready to accept full accountability and responsibility for the outcomes and experiences of their life.
Coaching for ACIM Students
Coaching for Students of ACIM is for students of A Course in Miracles, or beginning their journey with ACIM, who wish to use their current life challenges and goals to deepen their understanding of ACIM text and lessons.
Program highlights....
- Understand the validity of eternal life
- Utilize all relationships as opportunity to heal outdated mental and emotional constructs created by the egoic self.
- Understand and activate the Holy Instant as a tool of healing.
- Understand the purpose of the body as a tool of the egoic self versus the tool of the Holy Spirit.
- Understand abundance, or lack thereof, as a direct reflection of your internal mindset and level of trust in the Sufficiency of Spirit.
- Understand that miracles are a natural and normal expression of alignment to Divine purpose and Soul.
- Understand the concept of Time as a spiritual tool.
- Reframe the concepts of sin, guilt, shame as “error” and opportunity to further align with Spirit.
- Experience unconditional, eternal Love of the Divine.
- Understand the levels of Forgiveness and attune to Forgiveness as opportunity to accept original innocence.
Consulting offers individuals and companies the opportunity to examine the mindset and beliefs operating behind the physical or “Goal Line” needs of the company and expands to include “Soul Line” perspective and motivations.
Program highlights....
- Explore the balance between left-brain “masculine/action/data/drive” and right-brain “feminine/creative/intuitive/recovery” orientation.
- Understand the difference between Soul Line vs. Goal Line and utilize the Visionary Perspective of both to elevate your company to a Conscious Driven, versus Performance Driven mindset.
- Improve the level of trust, integrity, and honesty operating between management and employees.
- Utilize both professional and personal relationships to target and heal unresolved issues naturally improving work environment and community and/or personal life and performance.
- Develop curriculum to successfully promote Heart-Centered Listening, Limiting Interpretations of Reality, Reframing, and more.
- Update competitive, exhausting, dog-eat-dog models of achievement.
Private Half & Full-Day Retreats
Private retreats offer the components of the desired coaching program in a four or six-hour format. Perfect for those needing to kick-start their intentions with the benefit of feeling you have escaped to a private retreat.
Program highlights....
- Your day begins at 9am with a welcome breakfast of fresh pastries, fruit, and coffee at Joanne’s residence or Ojai Valley Inn & Spa
- 9a-1p: One-on-One Coaching
- Lunch at the Ojai Valley Inn & Spa (Half-Day ends after lunch)
- 3p-6p: Coaching (Full-Day participants only)
- Relax & Unwind: Meditation Mount or Ojai Natural Hot Springs
- Light dinner with Joanne at her home or your location of choice
- Overnight accommodations available with Joanne or the Ojai Valley Inn & Spa for an additional fee.
- (*** This program is a private coaching program with Joanne Menon not affiliated with the Ojai Valley Inn & Spa)
coaching for creatives…
Producing art requires craft yet equally important it requires an understanding of the spiritual, emotional, physical, and mental mindsets that influence creative work. Simply put, it is difficult to tap into creativity when you carry the weight of the world on your shoulders, believe you don’t have enough time, feel your project is too big to handle, are overcome with a paralyzing sense of fear and “stuckness”, or wonder if anyone will value the gifts you have to give. Unlocking the blocks, grasping the visionary perspective and importance of a project, and feeling unconditionally loved and supported can be the combination one needs to begin a new, or to launch a project from scratch.
Joanne also helps clients find the universal message of the project they are creating. How can struggle and strife be elevated into visionary themes of the Soul? How can a project can be adjusted so it invites an audience to reconsider the cultural rules they live by? How can a client offer a new way of being in the world that benefits the highest good of all concerned? How does the project, the process of creation itself, impact the beliefs of the client? With a gift for seeing the highest possible spiritual potential in all situations, Joanne helps shape complex theories of human potential into understandable soundbites for the Soul.
For those not in the creative industries, Joanne’s background in teaching Language Arts, creativity classes, and writing helps clients do what creatives do naturally; rewrite, edit, and evolve. Whether for personal reasons, business, or simply to access a more joyful way of being, with Joanne’s guidance, clients learn how to align to their Purpose, trim away what isn’t needed, understand motives of all parties (and characters) involved, activate their imagination beyond the limitations of the “rational mind”, and utilize intuition & channeled information as the greatest source of guidance.
Coaching for Creatives
Coaching for Creatives places the emphasis on your creative project: writing, developing a curriculum, or endevors requiring an understanding of spiritual/social impact. Focus is on the emotional process, clearing blocks, and joyfully inspiring your Inner Muse.
Program highlights....
- Understand the balance betweep knowing when to rest and knowing when to push through fear and resistance.
- Understand the motive behind your creative desires, refining them and aligning to your “Soul Line”.
- Learn to recognize utilize your Authentic Self as your greatest Creative Resource.
- Discover and dissolve the irrational beliefs and unresolved patterns that, once cleared, will firmly initiate you on to your creative journey.
- Learn to utilize your personal spiritual and emotional growth to target the Soul of your project.
- Activate your project and Inner Muse with creative, playful action steps.
- Learn how to tenderly care for yourself as your emotional, physical, spiritual, and mental systems shift and update.
Private Half & Full-Day Retreats
Private retreats offer the components of the desired coaching program in a four or six-hour format. Perfect for those needing to kick-start their intentions with the benefit of feeling you have escaped to a private retreat.
Program highlights....
- Your day begins at 9am with a welcome breakfast of fresh pastries, fruit, and coffee at Joanne’s residence or Ojai Valley Inn & Spa
- 9a-1p: One-on-One Coaching
- Lunch at the Ojai Valley Inn & Spa (Half-Day ends after lunch)
- 3p-6p: Coaching (Full-Day participants only)
- Relax & Unwind: Meditation Mount or Ojai Natural Hot Springs
- Light dinner with Joanne at her home or your location of choice
- Overnight accommodations available with Joanne or the Ojai Valley Inn & Spa for an additional fee.
Spiritual & Creative Wellness at The Ojai Valley Inn & Spa
Joanne was the former Master Teacher at the Ojai Valley Inn & Spa offering single-session private, couple, and group Spiritual & Creative Wellness Counseling as well as private and group classes such as Journaling, Vision Boarding, and customized Spiritual/Creative Wellness Programming for Executive Groups, Bridal Parties, Family Gatherings, and any group looking to enhance their retreat with creativity, mindfulness, a inspired heart, and peace of mind. After going on hiatus to Bath, England to pursue her MA in Creative Writing, Joanne will be available for private gatherings and group sessions beginning early 2021. Contact Joanne directly to learn how she can make your retreat one to remember.